That was a crazy short flash, very good job!
That was a crazy short flash, very good job!
this was just amazing, it captured such a cool, dreary feel to it. The shoot out at the end was just breath taking. You have alot of skills, and this is front page material.
I like it
I thought it was original, which is a change from many of the flashes that appear here. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more from you soon.
It was Allright
It started off really good but ended way to quickly. their should have been way more on story line and plot. Also the fight scene was extremly poorly done. It was allright, but could have been so much better.
Great stuff
I don't know why, but i found that funny. I will watch the next one for sure.
very nice
Loved it, very funny. Keep up the good work!
there was things about it a liked and things about it i didnt like. For instants when you zoomed in on the deathstar and then it showed one of the imperial landing crafts. I couldnt tell if it was supposed to be a model or the real deal.
Also there shouldnt have been talking in it, more gestures because this was an artistic film and the letters hurt it.
Otherwise good choice of music, fair animating and keep up the good work. (more detail in drawings next time)
I really liked it
I mean, the animation was rough at some points but it made up in humor. I really liked this and I think you should make more. Great matrix spoof part.
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